415 - 730 - 3670
Ray Day
David Baumgartner | 1-415-699-1324 | dbsoundwerks@yahoo.com |
Adriano Bravo | 1-510-551-1135 | soundbravo@gmail.com |
Doug Dunderdale | 1-415-308-0782 | dougdunderdale@mac.com |
Anton Herbert | 1-415-310-3196 | antonherbert@earthlink.net |
Lauretta Molitor | 1-415-269-5811 | lmsound@me.com |
Gabe Monts | 1-510-872-7442 | gabemonts@gmail.com |
Spence Palermo(Oregon) | 1-503-819-3876 | palsound7@aol.com |
Roger Phenix(New York) | 1-917-847-2160 | rphenix@aol.com |
Phil Perkins | 1-510-528-1697 | philper@earthlink.net |
Marshall Potter | 1-850-508-4475 | mpotter850@gmail.com |
Eric Soma(Seattle) | 1-206-601-0195 | ericsoma@msn.com |
Nelson Stoll | 1-510-339-8996 | |
Phil Turner | 1-650-339-5902 | philsound@live.com |
The Post-Production Funding Campaign HAS STARTED. Go to http://irvingnormanfilm.com for more information. Please go to the site for further information about the film:
"Truth Be Told: Irving Norman and the Human Predicament"